Monthly Archives: February 2015

Why I shouldn’t be allowed to watch hot guys on tv…

I have no idea what is wrong with me. But I have become totally and utterly obsessed with Stephen Amell as the Green Arrow. I had no idea who this guy even was before this show, and to be fair, I’m not really obsessed with the actor. I’m obsessed with the character he plays. Something about Oliver Queen as the Arrow has my everything in a bunch. There  is one scene, especially, that I have been watching on total repeat for 3 days. I have to have seen this scene at least 20 times. And I can now reenact it for my friends. It’s sick. But I can’t. stop. watching.

In this scene, Oliver tells Felicity that Slade (the bad guy at the time) kidnapped the wrong hostage. Please, see below…

I’m not always a crazy b****, but when I am…

This totally plays in my head…Thank you Taylor Swift. I haven’t always been a fan of yours, but you summed this hot mess up perfectly…

Nice to meet you
Where you been?
I could show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there and I thought oh my god
Look at that face, you look like my next mistake
Love’s a game, wanna play
New money, suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine
Ain’t it funny rumors fly
And I know you heard about me
So hey, let’s be friends
I’m dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand
I could make the bad guys good for a weekend

Let’s talk about love, baby…

Simple really.

Love those who love you back. Don’t waste time or energy on anyone who doesn’t put in the same effort and care as you do for them. The end.

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day.


I. Love. Him.

Just some friendly advice…


You’re all welcome.

Always,  G-Code.

Tess Munster on the Meredith Show!!

I share everything else, like I know her, so I’m gonna share this too.

Tess Munster at The Meredith Show!

I was trying to do an embeded video, but that wasn’t working. lol.

I’m not as tech savvy as I pretend to be. Enjoy!

Tess M

Because I was raised somewhat correctly

It’s totally rude not to acknowledge when someone does something nice, that makes your day. So, I want to say thank you to Tess Munster (Holliday) for liking my blog yesterday. I’m not ashamed to admit I screamed like a total Fan-Girl, and then told all of my friends, who also showed excitement over this. Probably in the larger scheme of things, it’s not that big of a deal- you know, because: terrorism and Ebola. But in my small part of the Universe, this is something that totally made my day.

You really are the cat’s pajamas. Rock on.

Always, G-Code.

If HGTV was a person, it wouldn’t be me…

I will be the first to admit, although I’m wonderful at managing projects, I’m not terribly organized. My work desk was a mess, my purse usually has a bunch of crap in it, and I don’t really want to discuss my bedroom’s state of appearance. However, I can spot check like a motherfucker, and know exactly what a situation needs to become the MVP of situations. I think of everything, and my attention to detail is pretty awesome. But that’s when it comes to my professional life. When it comes to my personal life, everything is a big ol’ hot mess.

I’d like to be more organized, at least in appearance. I have no idea how much longer I’ll be living with my parents. I have to be honest with myself about this. Right now, I’m unemployed, with no prospective job in sight, and even after I do find gainful employment, I may not be able to afford a place right away, so there is a real possibility that I’ll be stuck in this 9th ring of hell for at least another year or two. Disappointing and heartbreaking, but again, I have to be realistic about my situation in life. With that said, I really need to start organizing my tiny bedroom in a way that makes things more accessible. Right now I’m living out of suitcases and storage bins, and I really can’t take it anymore. Having such a chaotic physical space is really beginning to make me feel like a loser, and total failure at life.  How did I get to this point? Initially I didn’t want to invest money into a space I’m always trying to run away from, but now, I have to admit that I’ve been trying to run away for over a decade, and I’m still here. So, time to face facts, face reality, and do the reorganizing I should have just done back in 2004 when I graduated from college. Granted, I had high hopes back then, I thought I’d be moving out within a year. But crippling credit card debt, student loan debt, and life expenses coupled with a low paying job made that dream impossible.

So here I sit in the year 2015 wondering what reasonable, manageable things I can do to make myself feel better, and less insane. I’ve decided that this will be it. Like I said in a previous blog, it’s important for me to focus on the small things I can change, in hopes that it will distract me from the huge things that I can’t. This will also give me an opportunity to flex my small space décor expertise- of which I really have none. One day, I’ll have to do this for real, for an entire apartment, so it’s best to get my practice in now.

Just trying to stay as positive as possible.

Always G-Code.