Monthly Archives: January 2013

And all I’m asking, is for a little respect…

Normally I don’t go the disclaimer route, but I don’t want some of my friends to feel I’m directing what I’m about to say towards them, or take this as me being passive aggressive. I am simply stating how I feel in general, and please note that any similarities to your life only served as inspiration for this blog…

I know quite a few vegetarians, and their more hardcore counterparts: vegans. And I can honestly say that the people I know who have made this life decision, regardless of their reasoning, are quite nice and sane individuals. They have never judged me, called me a name, or gotten into shouting matches with me due to my food choices. I think this is because, aside from being nice and sane, they are also respectful and understand that not everyone is the same. Not everyone thinks the same, and obviously not everyone lives the same.

With that being said, I’d like to say something to the other Vegetarian/Vegans out there who aren’t so nice and sane:

STOP JUDGING ME! STOP JUDGING EVERYONE! Stop implying, or even sometimes outright saying, that we are horrible people and must hate animals because we haven’t adopted the plant lifestyle. If you’d like to try and convince someone that your way is a healthier way, that’s fine. Please sit down with me and explain why you chose to become vegan, how you’ve been feeling since you’ve become vegan, and how it’s overall helped your life. But don’t come out and say I must hate animals, and support poor animal treatment because I sometimes like to eat eggs for breakfast. The world is not black and white; there are shades of gray everywhere. I’m asking that you respect my grayness. I’m asking that you respect that there are several facets to my personality, and those facets extend beyond what I had for lunch. I’m asking that you respect me, like I am respecting you by openly listening to whatever you’d like to share about Veganism. I do not hate you because you live a different lifestyle than me. I do not hate you because you won’t eat a slice of bacon or have a milkshake. So please stop referring to non vegans in such hateful terms. I’d greatly appreciate it…

And one last thing: You may be the next coming of Christ to the animal community, with your passion and devotion; but to your fellow man you’re being a shitty human being. Perhaps you can find a healthy balance? Thanks. Love, hugs, and glitter bombs.