Monthly Archives: September 2011

Please, respect the pudge.

This is a public service announcement, brought to you in part by the letter P.

Dear Skinny Bitches,

I’m not talking to your average thin/fit girl. Because those women still have some curve to them, a bit of tangibility. I’m talking to those skeletor bitches who think they’re the shit. …Here are a few things you need to be clear on:

1. I’ve yet to meet a man who likes women who look like prepubescent boys. Even if he is a Tits or Ass man, he wants you to have either or both. 

2. No man likes “Species-Spine”.

3. When a man is tappin it from the back, he wants hips to hold on to- in order to give him proper leverage.  When he’s hitting it from the front, and you wrap your legs around his waist, he doesn’t want to be cut by jagged bones.

4. In comparison to your 95 lbs stretched over a 5’6 frame- babies are fatter than you. So stop thinking because a woman is 130-145lbs she’s a fat ass. No, she has a fat ass- and as I’ve stated the men like that.

5. Crack is whack. Don’t smoke crack? You sure? Because you look like it.

Dear Ladies with Curves:

No matter your weight, if you are a fitness guru or a bitch who can’t say no to a burger- give yourself a high-five for being luscious. And you tell these skinny hoes out there to respect the pudge. It packs a punch…

My Rich List- What’s yours??

This, is a list of some of the things I’d do if I was rich like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, at least for the 1st year of my new-found wealth:

1.  I would get a tiny dog. Not because I like tiny dogs, but because I want to carry one around with me in a Louie V bag, let it shit all over expensive boutique’s while I drop $200,000 on a new bag and tiny cashmere sweater for aforementioned pooch.

2. Wad up a stack of money in tight rubber bands, and slap people with it in the face.

3. Get arrested for selling fake drugs, refuse court appointed legal counsel and then hire a dream team of lawyers to get me off, and then laugh at the DA as I breeze out on my $500,000 bail. (Didn’t think I had it cuz I’m black?! Guess again, bitches!)

4. Change my name to Mr Chow for 3 days, and do Mr Chow things.

5. Buy HGTV

6. Rent a penthouse apt on the upper east side, where only the Jefferson’s theme song plays over the integrated speakers/sound system.

7.  Pay off all of my debt, and then buy large items with cash so people think I’m in the Mob.

8. Do a casting call. Of male models. Then hire them to clean said penthouse apartment.

9.  Buy stock in Starbucks, and make them name a drink after me.

10. Hi-five Bill Gates, and then burn all of Steve Job’s mock neck shirts (whats he gonna do? I’m rich too, bitches!)

11. Hire paparazzi to follow me everywhere, and make my own reality show.

12. Buy the most expensive/coveted house in the Hamptons, and fill it with homeless cats.

13. Put my friends and Maria on my payroll.

14. Get an iphone….

Random things my friends tell me about..

Listed below are some of my and JWCs comments

Jwc: …although it was rumored she liked to bathe in the blood of virgins. But really who doesn’t?

Gail: Virgin blood is good for the skin.

Jwc: Precisely who can blame a gal,its not like there was an Estee Lauder counter in Castle Csejte.

(Gail reads article)

Gail: So basically this chick was a serial killer and sexual sadist. Awesome.

Jwc:  Yep.  I think she was misunderstood and had PMDD

Conversations with Friends…

On Scott McGillivrey (Contractor on HGTV- you all know him, as I’ve spoken about him before)

Gail: ….I love Scott McGillivrey

Jaime: Addict

Gail: Yes. I would fuck him on a pile of knotty pine 2x4s.

Jaime: A mess.

Gail: He can build stuff – that’s hot. lol

Jaime: So can Bob the Builder

Gail: Bob the Builder’s too square for me. Although Scott seems rather charming, I bet he pulls hair and calls women dirty whores while ripping their panties off. And that’s my kind of man.

Jaime: Gentleman on the streets…

Gail: But a freak in the bed *booty pops*

Because I’m not a heartless feck…

I won’t go into details about where I was this day, 10 years ago. Because where I was doesn’t matter. I wasn’t here in NYC, I wasn’t downtown. I didn’t start working in the area until a few years after the towers were gone. But I remember the moment it hit me, how monumental this was- how poignant. I was still dating Kevin at the time, and we were wandering the streets on a Saturday. We happened to wander towards Ground Zero- at this time, there were still some temporary walls up, with pictures, cards, flowers and little mementos prayers for those lost. And I saw a bunch of tourists, finding the open spots through the “fence” to snap pictures of the rubble. At a certain angle, you could even see the open subway tunnel with rubble still inside and ragged wires hanging down. There was this one woman in particular, who kept getting closer, who kept moving around to get a “better” shot- and it was then that I flipped out. Flipped out hard. I started screaming at the tourists; calling them heartless disgusting bastards. I screamed about how people died there and how dare they come to my city and take PICTURES of this. I screamed that this shit wasn’t a tourists attraction, how this wasn’t something fun to go back to west bubba fuck and share with friends and family. This…was not entertainment. And I went to reach for this woman, to break her camera. To break all their cameras. Other people on the streets stopped to stare, people were whispering, some laughing- but I didn’t care. I was so offended on behalf of all of those people who lost their lives. I was offended that this woman and those other camera holders didn’t seem to respect the horror of what happened. Kevin, the punk that he was (but also had a point because some officers were coming over), pulled me away. Telling me to please calm down. I continued to scream down the street, with him having to forcibly drag me away. And once we were no longer in the area, I complained until we got home…

Years later, as in a week ago- I woke up to a 9-1-1 special. I’ve watched them before, every year since they began showing them. But for some reason, I always catch the technical ones- about the planes themselves, about the mechanics of the two towers and why they collapsed how they did. I’ve seen interviews with Fire Fighters and some survivors. But I have never seen the ones where people were falling off of the buildings. I had just woken up from a nap, so I wasn’t really computing what I was seeing. My comprehension cleared up as a witness describes a man who had somehow managed to make a sort of rope to climb down the side of one of the towers. As he spoke, footage was being shown. You could see the building shaking a bit and the rope swinging a little, but still the man climbed down. And suddenly…his hands slipped and he fell to his death.  I have NEVER seen this. In 10 years, I’ve managed to somehow avoid this moment- when I saw that, I immediately burst into tears. I was horrified. This man, who was making an effort to save his own life, lost it. Because his hands slipped. For some reason, I felt that because he was trying so hard, he’d make it. That somehow some miracle would happen and he’d have been saved- illogical, yes. But that’s what I thought. But no. Much like a lot of people that day, he was just another person who died terribly. I couldn’t stop crying for over 30 mins. My father had to console me. He hugged me for 10 mins straight while I continued to sob about this man.  I had to change the channel, and I refused to watch anymore specials on Sept. 11th after that. Even now, there’s some on and I wont watch them because I’m afraid to see that man again.

I can be a pretty cold sometimes. I’m not very forgiving. I’m angry. I don’t have problems punching someone in the face, or advocating shanking; when someone personally offends me. But I will never understand this level of hate. I will never understand what would make a human being orchestrate the mass death of other human beings. I can’t contemplate how you can wake up one day, and decide hundreds of people you’ve never met have to die. Innocent babies who definitely had nothing to do with our politics as a nation. Who didn’t have a chance to ever do anything to anyone, let alone something that merited death.  I will never understand this. And I’m glad that I don’t. I don’t ever want to be the kind of person who would do something like this. Who would be proud to have done this. It’s so evil, that I don’t think even Satan himself would’ve condoned this. Even he might have been like “woah. dude. really?”

Anyway, I can’t do anything about what happened. I’ve yet to build a time machine that works properly. But, I can try to promote peace. I can try to help Americans understand that Islam isn’t evil, that Muslims aren’t all bad. Just like I can share with Muslims that not all Americans are horrible and hate them. I don’t think violence met with violence really solves anything. It makes us feel better sometimes, to know that we’ve somehow been vindicated or avenged but it doesn’t solve the actual problem. It doesn’t stop the hate and the kind of mentality that motivated these attacks. I’m not sure anything will stop it, but I don’t have to perpetuate the cycle. And I can try to make sure the people who I know don’t do it either. I can love my Muslim friends. I can educate myself on Islam and it’s culture so that I understand and continue to understand that what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 was done by people who weren’t particularly religious- just crazy. Crazy and filled with loathing for human life. Even their own. I hope that people who are participating in acts of remembrance today, aren’t filled with hate. I hope that although they’re sad and miss their loved ones, they are promoting the ideas of love , peace, and understanding.

Ok. I’m done.

Just call me Prudence…

There’s a blog that I like to read called Black Girls Are Easy- no the writer doesn’t mean sexually, as in Black Girls are hoes- but that we are easy to understand if you’re aware of our quirks I suppose. Honestly, he writes about men AND women and relationship things, so I’m not sure why his blog is still named what it is..but whatever, I digress. I bring this up because, in reading this man’s blog I’ve come to realize that all of the horrible things I think about men, and how they view women are true. This is how he presents the male species and how women must relate and do relate to them:

They are just after pussy. No, it doesn’t matter what kind of woman I am- they just want pussy. Even if they seemed to like me for the few weeks before I give them the pussy, they will still dump me for “better” pussy. In fact, there is no real way for me to know what kind of man I may be giving the pussy up to- so I should just give up the pussy and take a chance. However,  if I just give up the pussy to every guy I date, then it means I’m not marriage material. It’s also my responsibility to make sure that I appear marriage material which means I must have the best pussy around or…I will get dumped yet again for better pussy, BUT I can’t pull out ALL the stops right away because then it means I’m a hoe and thus still not marriage material. In fact, if I get left and am Single it’s because I have whack pussy, so no man will put up with anything else about me because of it being so whack. Then, aside from all of this I’m supposed to magically know where this may all end up. I’m supposed to somehow discern through magical forces what kind of man someone is, although they’ve been lying about it for months just  to get my pussy. I guess I’m supposed to know within a few days if I’m going  to get dumped…


First, I’m not looking for a husband so wtf is up with all this marriage talk ? Not every woman’s goal is to walk down an aisle, and just because that isn’t her goal doesn’t mean she’s no good. Or bitter. Or would rather be a hoe. Also, just because a woman is single, doesn’t mean she has whack pussy. But here’s my issue- eveything is focused on sex. THIS is why I stopped having it. I refuse to give a man what he wants most, if  I can’t get simple things in return- like honesty, loyalty, and all that comes with it. You’re telling me that after months of dating that it could turn out this guy was a dirty liar? And I’m supposed to dust off my cobwebbed covered Vag on a “chance” ? Absolutely not. I’d rather just keep my cobwebs and stiff muscles. I want to know where the heck is the incentive?  I guess my question is, what makes it all worth it to you? Because I personally don’t think any of it’s worth my virtue or porn star skills…