Monthly Archives: June 2013

I just called to say…

Actually, I’m not really planning to call anyone. We all know I hate speaking on the phone. I eye my phone suspiciously every time it rings. However, I would like to say a very special “Thank You” to everyone who made this year’s Birthday a success. Namely, myself. If not for me, my 31st birthday would have been a complete disaster…

I’m kidding. I actually did manage to see a few of my friends over the course of these past two weeks. It all kicked off with Teandra, also known as “Tea-Cup”. She is the best person to randomly ask out to dinner for no other reason than you’re hungry and don’t feel like cooking. She’s always down for a nice chill-date. And I appreciate that about her immensely. She saved my entire Birthday Weekend. True Story. My plans had kind of fallen through, due to funds going towards a sick pet who eventually died (I will NEVER write a blog about that because I wont be able to see the screen for all the crying), some of my best friends were either out-of-town on business, vacations, or just missing in general and I was pretty much stuck in the city alone. Enter Diva Rogers. She accompanied me to a movie, a Punk Rock Couture Exhibit at the Met and good eats at a Russian Caviar Bar- total heaven. I didn’t even care that I spent the rest of the weekend sick, due to our adventures in the rain.

Fast Forward to this weekend and my best friends were finally able to make an appearance. G-Man and A-Team (his lovely wife) took me out for awesome “Mexican” food. I say awesome because the guacamole was amazeballs. I know this, because I am a guacamole expert. The service was pretty good too, and they put just the right amount of Grey Goose in my cup. This was a total Friday Night Success. Oh, and I didn’t have to pick up the check. Score!

But I think the best part of it all, was this Saturday. Because Beccala arrived. My Ride Or Die. My first ever Jew-Boo. My Reason For Not Transferring from Albany in my Senior Year. My fellow Buffy aficionado. She got up at the butt crack of dawn to drive, get on a train, and meet me for Brunch in the city. She lives 4 hours away. She has two kids and a husband. She barely has time to have phone conversations. But she came here to spend a day with me. And it was a fanfuckingtastic day. We ate, we shopped, we explored. I did all of this in a dress. I was happy.

So…thank you, friends. You made a lonely girl feel pretty special. *huge smile*